20 May 21:44 GMT

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JMA Geral
Open collection
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Collection owner:
Julieta Almeida (0 pts)

15 total concepts
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Term/concept Concept submitter
apply (in this context) candidatar (Portuguese) Julieta Almeida 
bath mixer tap torneira misturadora (Portuguese) Julieta Almeida 
be bound by ficar vinculado/obrigado a (Portuguese) Julieta Almeida 
by amending the first paragraph thereof to read as follows: alterando o primeiro par�grafo do mesmo, o qual passa a ter a seguinte redac��o (Portuguese) Julieta Almeida 
Consent Orders Autoriza��o, Licen�a (Portuguese) Julieta Almeida 
consequently amended accordingly � consequentemente alterada em conformidade (Portuguese) Julieta Almeida 
demonstrating the risk of not complying with demonstrando o risco do n�o cumprimento das (Portuguese) Julieta Almeida 
departmental electoral dispute offices Sec��o para a resolu��o de conflitos eleitorais a n�vel local (Portuguese) Julieta Almeida 
domestic law lei/legisla��o interna/nacional (Portuguese) Julieta Almeida 
Leading bid Melhor oferta (Portuguese) Julieta Almeida 
legal system sistema jur�dico (Portuguese) Julieta Almeida 
modification in the Probate Court altera��o no Tribunal de Fam�lia e Sucess�es (Portuguese) Julieta Almeida 
next but one to com intervalos de um (Portuguese) Julieta Almeida 
suplement dated Adenda datada (Portuguese) Julieta Almeida 

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